ap552elfm55 发表于 2012-3-24 00:56:25

Taken and Forced to Bond chapter 20 (a vegeta love

chapter 20
hidden emotion, eternal devotion

"meat…i need meat…with juice" you moaned, lounging by the fire and once again examining you belt. "gah! it's no use! no matter what i do,ray ban aviator, i can't get my mind off of hunger! i'm starving!"

"good." vegeta grunted, walking from the forest with a freshly killed deer-like creature slung over his shoulders. "but just remember that i need sustenance too!"

"yeah, yeah, now cook the damn thing already so we can eat!"

"in due time." vegeta answered as he dropped the carcass on the ground in front of the fire. he proceeded to rip off choice portions of the kill and stick them on some branches from the pile of wood for the fire. when he had set the tenderest parts of the animal in the blaze, he turned to the remaining pieces and began to tear them from the bones. you were appalled when he started to eat the strips of meat. you sighed and began to investigate your lavish waistband while your food cooked. you ran your small fingers over the curly metal alloy and around the strange gemstones embedded in it. after a short time, the aroma of the raw meat and the sight of vegeta devouring it caused your stomach to lurch. covering your mouth with a small hand, you darted into the forest.

"no..." vegeta protested softly as her scent reached his nose when she ran into the woods. it became more fragrant with every step she took, eventually overpowering the sick odor around her. it was happening again, he was losing his self-control...but this time it was because of your heated aroma. he felt his stomach flip-flop and his mind go blank except for one sole instinct...to mate. his body began to move without his permission, and he stealthily made his way over to you position. you where puking into a bush, you put your hands on your knees and stood bent over as you struggled to keep the rest of the bile down. 'what's wrong with me?' you questioned yourself.

"woman." a husky voice you recognized immediately grunted from behind you.

"vegeta! why the hell are you over here? i'm trying to do something if you don't mind!"

you turned your head to glare at him and came nose to nose with his face. your breathing shortened in surprise and you eyes instinctively swept up to stare into his. shining within their ebony depths you could clearly see his loneliness and...and hunger? that couldn't be right. you focused on them once again and more precisely named the emotion shining there...lust. yep lust, you lightly nodded her head as she continued to explore his eyes. all of a sudden her observation hit her full-force. lust?

'oh my god, oh my god! he's gonna rape me!' you thought in panic.

vegeta was examining you when he caught the subtle change in her scent. the smell of your fright soon hung heavy in the air, slowly bringing him back to reality.

'gods! what did i almost do? i lost control for five minutes and i nearly...nearly...mated with her! to think what i could have done to her,lunettes ray ban!'

"sorry." he grunted softly, quickly retreating back over to the fire.

"sorry? sorry! gods vegeta, that's the second time you've almost practically raped me! i no longer feel secure…especailly since i have no chi to protect myself with…i am now starting to think i’ll be safer to go back to that crack brained doctor" you yelled , your body still shaking in fear. you stood next to your bush, watching the saiyan with a critical eye for a few minutes more. after slightly assuring yourself that it was just a two-time thing, you cautiously made your way back to the cave.

"i do believe you owe me an explanation for your suddenly weird attitude around me." you demanded as you sat across from him, taking a vicious bit from you food

"you are in heat." vegeta replied nonchalantly, staring intently into the fire.


"you are in heat." he repeated,lunette ray ban, briefly glancing up to look at you.

"heat? is that what you call me now?"

"no, heat comes after what you call a period. after the period you go straight into heat. and you are in heat. everyone knows that a male saiyan cannot..."

"can't what?"

"cannot...resist a female in heat."

"then i am leaving” you stood up and began to walk away


you stood frozen in your place wide eye, you could believe it. you turned around slowly




"there is no need for you to know."



"changing subjects. so, do you think we will ever get back home?" you walked back to the fire and sat a safe distance across from vegeta

"i have no home."

"isn’t that mud ball called earth your home!"

"it is simply a place i stay to fulfill my needs. it is not my home."

"well, you can at least call it your home…if you want."

"that's just it, i don't want it to be my home. as soon as i kick kakarrot's ass i am going to leave to conquer all of space and rule over it as was my birthright."

"don’t we all now."

"you're one to talk, you said you have done it before."

"well at least i don't want to take over the entire universe! who the hell taught you to want that?"

"it has always been my goal, and it is my right as well. i am prince of all saiyans and it is my destiny to become a super saiyan and to rule over all."

"by yourself?"

"of course by myself! why would it be any different?"

"never mind. i don't know why i even said that."

"yes, you do know why. and for once i actually care about what you have to say. so spill it."

"okay, it's just that i think ruling over...everything by yourself would become kind of…can’t believe i am saying this…lonely. i don't think you really want to be alone. i think that the only reason you isolate yourself is because you are afraid of the company of others." ‘like i am’ you thought to yourself


"yes, but you don't have to be separated from the rest of the world. if you can find someone to accept you for who you are, then you will be more satisfied in that way than in any other. even ruling the universe can't compare to…..the love of a companion."


"you can 'humph' all you want, but it doesn't change a thing. now, if you don't mind, i'm going to sleep. it's late and i'm tired. try to rape me while i'm resting and i swear i will be an ass towards you for the next million years that even your descendants will regret it!"

all you earned from mr. prince was an icy glare and another 'humph' in response. feeling satisfied and more than a little wary, you curled up on a small nest of leaves and drifted off in minutes flat. vegeta watched your sleeping form, pondering your truthful words for a while.

"i've already found someone who accepts me. trouble is, she doesn't feel the way i do. what can i say? other than i am destined to be alone...forever."

"oh really, vegeta? i don't think that even you believe that." spoke up a feminine voice.

"you know, ungo's minions really should stop sneaking around. you are no match for a saiyan prince!"

vegeta growled, jump-kicking above towards a branch where the voice had originated. he was really surprised to find that the branch was empty by the time his kick landed. "where the hell did you go?" he demanded, glaring into the darkness of the forest.

"why, i'm right over here!" cooed the woman's voice from behind him.

vegeta jerked his head in the direction of the fire and was most unhappy to see the female alien kneeling next to you and gently stroking your curly hair.

"mrph mmh." you mumbled in your slumber, rolling onto your side with your eyes still closed.

"quite the pretty little thing, don't you think? absolute perfection." whispered the figure, turning her face towards vegeta.

the saiyan male was shocked by the features he saw distinctly resembling his own in her appearance. the triangular cheekbones and thin lips were mirror images of his own. even her sharp chin was his. he didn't know what to make of it, especially when he saw the light brown tail swaying behind her. she was saiyan.

"some said you were exactly like your father, what liars they are. true you do have some of his traits mentally, but physically...we could be twins." she commented, getting up and making her way over to him.

"who are you, dammit? and what the hell do you want?" vegeta ordered.

"tsk, tsk. don't you recognize your own...mother, vegeta?" she answered, reaching her hand up to touch vegeta's face. the prince jerked away from her and snarled.

"impossible!" he spat. "my mother was nothing but a mere whore who died when planet vegeta blew up!"

"that is where you are wrong...son." she replied, her voice hardening and her eyes narrowing. "our planet did blow up, but i was not on it when it did. i was here, on kraston, with my mate."

"you lie. if you really were my mother, your mate would be my father."

"you speak the truth, vegeta. however, i had chosen my mate long before your father made me assist him in creating you. my mate was one of his foreign advisors, a mutant genius named doctor ungo!"

"so the rumor was true? that the reason you did not become queen was because you had chosen another before my father?"

"yes. your father raped me. he forced me and i had no choice in the matter. i loved and still do love ungo, he is the only reason i was saved from the awful fate of becoming king vegeta's forced mate."

"so you don't love him, you just owe your life to him. pitiful. you are too weak to ever be the mate of a powerful saiyan like my father!"

"and i never wanted to even have sex with the bastard you call your father! i would never wish to be tied to a baka like him for all eternity, which is why i bonded with ungo only weeks after i first noticed your father facied me!"

"oh really? i couldn't care less as to why you bonded with that mutant freak, but i want you to tell me why the hell you are here! did ungo send you?"

"as a matter of fact, he did. he wishes for me to bring both you and this lovely girl back to him. the doctor has been extremely worried about how you have been whilst out here. and he is anxious to have his two prized test subjects back. he believes that she may have already conceived the child, i mean, after all you are out in the wilderness with nothing but each other to keep company..."

"i have not violated her in any way. she does not wish for me and i do not wish for her." vegeta grumbled.

"hm. ah well, the doctor says that if you will not take her then one of his men may have her." celeria smirked at the flash of anger she saw burning in her son's eyes at her comment.

"she is such a sensual female and would make an excellent plaything for any soldier. even if you don't give ungo the child he will still have you two to distribute accordingly throughout the planet. and when her youth and beauty steadily fade as she does, you will be there to look on as she is disposed of. but when her life ends, you will still be alive; she will be free and you will be stuck here for centuries more."

"humph, like i really care about what happens to her. she is of no concern of mine. and rest assured that i will find a way off this damn planet!"

"if you say so vegeta. just thought you should know what will happen if you continue to rebel against ungo's orders. he's not known for his patience."

"whatever. why don't you leave before i make you. i don't care if you are the bitch who birthed me, i won't hesitate to destroy you if you continue to cross me." he warned.

"alright. and since you so obviously don't care about the woman,lunette ray ban pas cher, i'll take her with me."

"huh? who're you?!?!" you yelled tiredly as you sat up.

"why hello dear. my name is celeria, and i am vegeta's mother." greeted the female saiyan.

"don’t…call me darling…wait…m-m-mother?" you stuttered in surprise.

"yes, mother. my son has volunteered you to come back with me to doctor ungo."

"he what!?!? vegeta?!?!?"

"that's right. you said you wanted to go back to ungo, said you didn't feel safe with me. so why not leave while you have the chance to?" vegeta answered, averting your slightly watery eyes.

"the only reason i don't feel safe is because you continue to attempt to rape me!"

"hm? rape? my, my, my...this is certainly getting interesting! i thought you said you that you didn't want her?" commented celeria as you climbed to your feet and approached vegeta angrily.

"i don't. if you couldn't tell, she is in heat. you know as well as i that a male saiyan loses all his conscious thought and becomes an animal when he is around a female in heat. i was simply reacting to my hormones." vegeta replied haughtily.

"if you believe that..."

"why would you risk your life so many times, trying to keep me from ungo, just to give me up on the slightest whim?" you sighed with boredom, stopping a few feet from vegeta and willing him to look at you. he didn't oblige. rather, he kept his head turned and answered you curtly.

"because. i've said before that there is no need for me to justify myself to you. and you said you wanted it. now take her away!" he commanded celeria.

"as you wish...prince." she replied smugly, stalking up silently behind you. you gave vegeta one last, saddened icy glare before celeria tried to chop your neck but you stopped her hand before in made contact and you threw celeria across from you.

“keep your fucking, dirty ass hands off of me, i have 2 legs, i would like to use them now” you said while still glaring at vegeta. celeria got up quickly only to see you already walking through the forest to where the lab is. you didn't see the painful expression on vegeta's face a celeria snarled at you.

"just know, i'll be back for you." celeria blew a kiss to vegeta and ran away into the forest.

"i'm counting on it." vegeta replied softly when his mother was out of sight. "just take care of the woman. there will be hell to pay if she gets injured."

ap552elfm55 发表于 2012-3-24 07:33:05

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ccseolee3 发表于 2012-3-24 15:58:27

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ap552elfm55 发表于 2012-3-28 00:06:44

cocacolasorrow - User Profile

your revolution will not happen between these thighs,air max tn
and your revolution will not involve me feelin your nature rise
or helping you fantasize
your revolution makes me wonder,nike air max tn, where could we go?
if we could drop the empty pursuit of props and ego
your revolution will not happen between these thighs
will not happen between these thighs
will not be you shaking and me faking
between these thighs

dr883wldg44 发表于 2012-3-28 09:40:03

I Open at the Close

for some reason mugglenet has a malicious site warning. perhaps the upsurge of visitors due to the recent announcement has attracted hackers.
here's the press release about j k rowling's new book:
it will be published by little, brown (rather than scholastic and bloomsbury as her previous books) in both print and e-book form. it will be for adults and the title and publication date haven't been announced yet.
j.k. rowling said:
"although i've enjoyed writing it every bit as much,nike air max tn, my next book will be very different to the harry potter series,tn pas cher, which has been published so brilliantly by bloomsbury and my other publishers around the world. the freedom to explore new territory is a gift that harry's success has brought me, and with that new territory it seemed a logical progression to have a new publisher. i am delighted to have a second publishing home in little, brown,nike tn pas cher, and a publishing team that will be a great partner in this new phase of my writing life."
i gotta admit,air max tn, when i found out i gasped loudly, flailed, and laughed at myself for a while. i miss her writing.
ps. the old desk at her website is gone! seems. i hope all the old info won't be deleted, though. good i backed-up the scrapbook stuff just in case.

dr883wldg44 发表于 2012-3-28 21:07:16

ONTD Feminism

in the 1970s, after it became illegal to discriminate based on race, some employers responded by imposing high school education requirements for blue-collar jobs. today, employers who want to keep women out of "men's jobs" do something similar: they wait until workers get pregnant, and then deny them "light duty," like desk work for a police officer, for example, or a transfer from the warehouse to the phone bank, making them unable to perform their jobs.
discrimination against pregnant women is finally beginning to get the national attention it deserves. last week, i and others urged the equal employment opportunity commission to issue guidance to clarify the rights of pregnant women at work. such guidance is sorely needed. an op-ed by dina bakst published a few weeks ago in the new york times noted that "thousands of pregnant women are pushed out of jobs that they are perfectly capable of performing -- either put on unpaid leave or simply fired -- when they request an accommodation to help maintain a healthy pregnancy." the stories from some of the growing number of cases that have been filed in the last several years speak for themselves.
in a 2006 texas case, an employer threw up his hands and said "what are we going to do now?" when he found out deanna stansfield was pregnant. at o'reilly auto, where she worked, women were encouraged to get men's help when lifting heavy objects. but once she announced her pregnancy, deanna was told she could no longer seek such help. when she brought in a note from her doctor limiting her lifting to 20 pounds, her employer first asked her what weight he had told her she would need to be able to lift to keep her job, and then, after some indecision, decided that she would have to lift 50 pounds.
sometimes employers are more subtle. in a 2004 suit, a police department routinely staffed desk and other light duty positions with officers who could not perform "full police duties." the department grandfathered in 36 male officers who had been on light duty for years. but light duty was not available for pregnant women. they were given the option of going on leave or remaining on patrol without bulletproof vests and gun belts -- the department did not provide either in sizes suitable for late-term pregnant women.
some employers insist on limiting pregnant employees to light duty even when the employee herself insists she is ready,lunettes ray ban pas cher, willing and able to do her regular job. an example is a 1999 kansas case, where a firefighter was promptly removed from her job after she announced her pregnancy, and her request for a return to full duty was ignored. this kind of discrimination was declared illegal in the 1970s. yet "one of the biggest complaints from female sworn officers is that when they notify their department that they are pregnant, they are removed from their position," according to a report by the national center for women and policing titled "recruiting and retaining women."
at the center for worklife law, we hear from women denied light duty, both on our hotline and in our database, which has over one hundred cases involving denial of light duty. often employers force women onto leave very early in their pregnancies. then all the employer has to do is to wait until her three-month leave period is up and fire her for job abandonment.
why do pregnant women need light duty? women's joints soften during their pregnancies,ray ban pas cher, making them more susceptible to back injuries. light duty is vital for some women. other women are ordered onto light duty by overly cautious doctors who may well be worried about potential malpractice suits if anything goes wrong with a pregnancy. doctors need to recognize that ordering a pregnancy-based work restriction can jeopardize a mother's access to pre-natal health care and her ability to feed and house her baby. of course doctors should order restrictions when they are necessary, but doctors need to think carefully about what's necessary and never,lunette ray ban pas cher, never "recommend" a restriction without ordering it. that's a recipe for job loss. doctors need to remember that 41 percent of all children, 53 percent of children born to women under 30, and, and 73% of children born to black women are born out of wedlock. many, many pregnant blue-collar women do not have a partner to support them. even if they do, many, many blue-collar families need both parents' jobs to pay the bills.
in a 1999 case,ray ban aviator, the new york city transit authority offered light duty to an officer who had been injured while scuba diving, another who had been injured while jogging, a third who was recovering from foot surgery, and a fourth who had hurt his hamstring--but denied light duty to an officer who was pregnant. in a 2011 case involving the united parcel service, the employer gave light duty to male employees who had lost their licenses due to drunk driving--but not to pregnant women.
do you believe these things still happen today? equality for mothers is still a heavy lift.

dr883wldg44 发表于 2012-3-28 21:08:52

0livia - User Profile

canadian. aquarian. mocha junkie. lyrics snob. afternoon person. always late. always cold. never uses american spelling or punctuation standards. lover of scarves. needs three alarm clocks set to go off at 4-minute intervals to wake up in the morning. judges books by their titles. cannot spell connoisseur without dictionary.com. cannot pronounce anthropomorphize without an alcoholic beverage. vancouver canucks bandwagon-er, circa 2010 regular season. cannot sew, iron, or cook. can name all 50 states in order from west to east. wants to get two puppies and name them tugboat and rafael. spends 10 minutes peeling a mandarin orange. hates cardigans. loves peacoats with hoodies. has driven cars more times without a valid driver's license than with one. blabber mouth. would be a vegetarian if turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce didn't exist. cannot control herself around raisin bread and does not buy it for her apartment anymore because one loaf will be gone in two days. got a free 9 km cab ride through vancouver once from the driver for correctly identifying a myles davis song. is literally physically unable to listen to bohemian rhapsody without singing and air guitaring along. has only played three types of video games in her life. once scored 100% in hard level guitar on "don't look back in anger" in rock band 2. did not really know about the beatles until 2005. prefers some of the songs from the across the universe soundtrack to the originals (sorry). has a 60 gb music collection that is about 3/4 90's rock/hip hop. is pretty sure that chester bennington from linkin park and jamie laurie from flobots are secretly the same person. has three autographs: patrick stewart, tom higgenson, and jeff tambellini. once walked right by tom green in downtown vancouver. once played rock paper scissors with phil gordon. got sushi with seth rogen once in 2007. knows more about buffy mythology than she does about basic world history. and if there's any problem that can't be solved to some degree by the first 26 seconds of "oh! sweet nuthin" by the velvet underground, she haven't met it yet.

consider the daisy. and while you're doing that,ray ban aviator, i'll be over here, looking through your stuff.
you're a writer, you get to live life twice. don't forget that.
in the beginning the universe was created. this has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move - douglas adams.
bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. no one asks for their life to change, not really. but it does. so what are we, helpless? puppets? no, the big moments are gonna come. you can't help that. it's what you do afterwards that counts. that's when you find out who you are.?? - whistler from buffy ("becoming" - season two.)
that which is static and repetitive is boring. that which is dynamic and random is confusing. in between lies art. - john a. locke.
the grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. - joseph addison.
if you work on a lobster boat, sneaking up behind people and pinching them is probably a joke that gets old real fast. - jack handey.
there are people who need people to need them. the reason you don??t understand is because you??re not one of those people. you??d use me and then toss me away like a paper bag if that??s what it came down to. god fucked you, my friend. you??re just smart enough so it would hurt you to do that,lunette ray ban, and just hard enough so you??d go ahead and do it anyway. you wouldn??t be able to help yourself. - stephen king, "the drawing of the three."
final comfort that is small, but not cold:the heart is the only broken instrument that works. - t.e. kalem.
there is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and the tired man who wants a book to read. - g. k. chesterton
a positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. - herm albright.
it requires a great deal of faith for a man to be cured by his own placebos. - john l. mcclenahan
if trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? we might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. - jack handey.
so you see lonestar, evil will always win, because good is stupid. - dark helmet, "spaceballs."
the friend within the man is that part of him which belongs to you and opens to you a door which never, perhaps, is opened to another. such a friend is true, and all he says is true; and he loves you even if he hates you in other mansions of his heart ~ antoine de saint-exup??ry
writers write because they can't stop. - jasper fforde
every part of me hurt, i couldn't move, so i just sat there, amazed, frightened and somehow overjoyed that any emotion, even pain, could be so huge. - p.j. kavanagh
have you ever been in love? horrible isn't it? it makes you so vulnerable. it opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. you build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...you give them a piece of you. they didn't ask for it. they did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. love takes hostages. it gets inside you. it eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. it hurts. not just in the imagination. not just in the mind. it's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. i hate love. - neil gaiman
do you want me to tell you something really subversive? love is everything it's cracked up to be. that's why people are so cynical about it. it really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. and the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more. - erica jong
polonius: "what do you read my lord?"
hamlet: "words,lunette ray ban pas cher, words, words."
human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so - douglas adams
understand that sexuality is as wide as the sea - derek jarman
if you're robbing a bank and you're pants fall down, i think it's okay to laugh and to let the hostages laugh too, because, come on, life is funny. - jack handey.
listen, three eyes, don??t try to out-weird me, i get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal. - the hitchhiker??s guide to the galaxy.
it??s not stupid! it??s advanced! - invader zim, "invader zim."
love making. at heart it's a primal form of comfort, a kind of conversation, the ultimate, most gloriously soul-baring dissolver of boundaries - unknown
the friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you ~ elbert hubbard
weaseling out of things is important to learn. it's what separates us from the animals... except the weasel. - homer simpson
later that day i got to thinking about relationships. there are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. but the most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. and if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous - carrie, sex and the city
the beauty of a women is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
the beauty of a women must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides - audrey hepburn
she is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. she is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. she is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. she is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child. ~ barbara alpert
everybody's got something they want to change about themselves, and i'm no exception. but i figure, why worry? i find confidence attractive in other people, so i might as well be confident too - erika christensen
i'm sick and tired of waiting, waiting to be understood. and its nothing arty, nothing lofty, its just fucking different, and i want to leave this world behind a little so that maybe i will see that its bigger and i haven't left it at all. - jeff buckley
i hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just go by size, because i bet there are some chihuahuas with some good ideas. - jack handey.
we write because we are alone. we write because we're terrified that in the deep heart of the night we are the only ones who feel the way we do. we write to conect, to forge a link between ourselves and others and the best -perhaps only- tool that man has yet discovered that lets us convey the depth of our emotions to another is that elusive beast: the written word.
we write because we are alone. we write because we scream the contents of our souls into the stoic silence of the night sky and receive no answer. failing to elicit a response from our creator, we scream defiance at him: creating our own worlds in turn, worlds we tend to with tenderness and love. "do you see?" we scream at the godhead... "do you see? i am a creator too! i have my own place in the ether, that is completely mine, and i do not need you!"
we write because we are alone. we write because we have cried in our beds at night with no one to hear. we write because we need the warmth of contact with our own, that mere touch of flesh cannot supply. we write because for those of us who must, there is no other choice... - ja coppinger
if i had to select one quality, one personal characteristic that i regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field,lunettes soleil ray ban, i would pick the trait of persistence. determination. the will to endure to the end, to get knocked down seventy times and get up off the floor saying. "here comes number seventy-one! - richard m. devos
if you ever fall off the sears tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy. - jack handy
we don't read and write poetry because it's cute. we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. and the human race is filled with passion. and medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. - dead poet's society
somebody said, 'what is your band?' and i said, 'you know, it's pretty little songs with dirty little words.'" - stephan jenkins, third eye blind.
"david bowie said once, "people go to rock concerts to be with each other; to find themselves". so, their whole thing is about them. it's not actually about us. it's about what they do together." - stephan jenkins, third eye blind.
spend the afternoon. you can't take it with you. - unknown.
if you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
a hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
if you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
for we have some flax-golden tales to spin.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v34/livifaith/lj/thpenguin.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v34/livifaith/lj/6225528.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v34/livifaith/lj/2991579.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v34/livifaith/lj/6348034.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v34/livifaith/lj/603391.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v34/livifaith/lj/1119028.jpg

地藏小盈盈 发表于 2012-3-30 06:37:17


小小支持一下 淘宝刷钻平台

地藏小盈盈 发表于 2012-3-30 06:41:56


好久不见楼主帮顶 淘宝信誉互刷平台

q441503111 发表于 2012-3-30 09:55:51

好象在哪里见到过楼主的这篇帖子,愁闷ing 。。。。

好象在哪里见到过楼主的这篇帖子,愁闷ing 。。。。

loveyou334 发表于 2012-3-31 03:17:01

唉 这网速 也太垃圾了 不知道这沙发是不是我的

唉 这网速 也太垃圾了   不知道这,异能小说沙发是不是我的,bl小说。

hxngb7xf 发表于 2012-4-3 11:15:38



lz27zr041 发表于 2012-4-4 13:27:30


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雅芳 发表于 2012-7-21 03:03:17

不错 值得参考 顶下

雅芳 发表于 2012-7-22 20:21:14

kiasportage 发表于 2008-4-22 20:57 static/image/common/back.gif
正在做和想要做的掮客们,可以收手了,不要再害人了!有本事去害黑人白人,不要来害我们自己中国人!想一想 ...


jintuan888 发表于 2012-7-24 22:40:35


jintuan888 发表于 2012-7-24 22:41:06


人生多少愁 发表于 2012-8-12 09:57:18


快乐宝贝 发表于 2012-9-8 00:01:57


快乐宝贝 发表于 2012-9-8 22:20:02

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